Sunday, August 29, 2010

Something to be Proud of

Today was a great day. In the morning I went to the Gawler Show. I had two free tickets to get in and I decided to find someone to give one of the tickets to.

The first people I found who didn't have tickets already looked like a lovely older couple. I smiled and approached them asking them if they were nice people. They said they were so I offered them the ticket.

They were very grateful and thanked me a lot. I said it was OK, and I hoped they would do something nice for someone else. They said they would and we all went in to the show.

I had a lovely day, feeling good about myself and people in general. Just think what a wonderful world it could be if we all did this kind of thing whenever we got the chance to!

I hope you would/will do this sort of thing. Even a heartfelt smile can do wonders, both for you and for the person you are smiling at.