Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Making Connections, Being Kind

I realised this morning that I have been neglecting my blogs. It’s always the same - I start out keen and promise to post regularly, then life and/or laziness get in the way. And of course I have to confess I may have a slight addiction problem.

There, I’ve admitted to the problem my husband and son have told me I have for years. I spend/waste far too much time online. I am addicted to Facebook!

But I realise as well that being on Facebook is a cost effective and easy way to connect with my friends. Some of these friends I see regularly in real life, some occasionally. Some of my Facebook friends are people I will probably never meet for real.

But talking to these people, or commenting on their pages, is a way to connect. When you are trying to deal with a new illness, as I am, those connections are very important.

Connections, friendships are what give us hope, new ideas, answers, and new questions. Connections online can give you a new community to join. Having a community of people who you care about and who care about you can be an important thing in life.

I am grateful to all of the people who are my friends. They have given me love and support while I was confused, not knowing what was wrong with me. They kept me going while I was waiting for my diagnosis. They cheered with me once I finally had a title for my mystery illness. Many of my friends realised the importance of having a tag, a name for my disease.

Now that I know I have Multiple sclerosis, I know more about what I can expect with my health. I also have a treatment to help with the symptoms, and to slow down the illness’s progression.

So this blog post is to say thank you to all of my wonderful friends who have helped me in many different ways. Thank you all for your kindness!

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